Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Diet of a Hobo

How a hobo loses weight...
Well, when you have such wonderful things on the menu such as day old hot dogs, expired milk, moldy bread, and pizza crusts.

The "Good" food is No Name brand Oriental Noodles ( $2 for a pack of 12 ) and No Name Brand Mac and Cheese ( 3 for $1 ) it gets pretty easy to forgo the food, and say... "Hey, this cigarette looks awful damn healthy, I should have another"

How's that for twisted, eh?

My thoughts on working on PEI for today. Have a good one folks.


Anonymous said...

Try the "Drano Daquari" for $2.49.

It'll solve ALL your problems :s

Unknown said...

Yummy stuff. I've tries suicide before, but whatever goddess exists tells me it isn't my time.

I guess my Technohobo knowledge is still needed by the masses