And the horrible things he will make you do for it... jumping through a burning ring of fire to land on burning hot coals will seem like this seem like a walk in the park.
If you don't feed this monkey... using any form of available nicotine, especially in a smokable form, he will slowly drive you mad. You'll start to shake, and twitch... until you finally give in.
Hunting for ashtrays... half smoked butts... drinking the water out of soggy ashtrays... drying out the soggy ones during the rainy season... rolling and smoking just about anything you can find. But nothing will replace the precious nicotine. No herbal cigarettes, no smoking tea, no nicotine patches, no nicotine gum. Nothing. The only thing to stop the monkey is to smoke like it's going out of style. If he had his way, you'd smoke from the second you got up in the morning, until you went to sleep at night ( with a burning smoke in your lips, ready to light your bed on fire )
Here's a good question.
How many times have you said you would quit and, minutes after stating this,
1. Found a smoke
2. Bummed a smoke
3. Sold something for a smoke.
This happens on a daily basis for me!
Damn, evil, manipulative monkey!!
Hell, I've sold almost everything for a smoke.
We all suck ass.
For these damn monkeys.
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