When you're a Technobo, you learn how to make sacrifices.
Such as... When you buy one of these:

You need to stop buying things like this :
That's right... gaming will take priority over eating. But... whenever your stomach starts to eat itself... you can always resort back to this :

Dumpsters. The last refuge of the damned. Home to a Technobo near you!
( PS - You can tell by the smell )
There are lessons to be learned in this though.
If you buy a survivalistic game, like, oh, Resident Evil, say? You bought this IN PLACE of food....SO, take from the game what it took away FROM YOU!
Example : You can't buy food BUT now you know how to shoot people in the head with a shotgun!
(...from what *I* hear, people with gaping holes in their brain-stem do not need the food they keep in their fridges. FREE FOR THE TAKING!!)
I limit my Resident Evil time to a minimum. Within 5 minutes, it becomes amazingly addictive... no food needed.
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