My theory, and the reasoning behind the following experiment, is that canned goods are canned goods, no matter what external elements are involved ( provided the seal isn't broken, which it wasn't. If it had been, the deal would have been off )
I also want to note that I didn't do this out of desperation, or anything of the sort. It was done simply to prove a point. Now that that is out of the way, on to the experiment. ( Conducted in the evening of November the 10th, in case you're curious )
So, in the end... it didn't kill me, I suffered no ill effects whatsoever. I have proven my point. Due to the preservatives involved, and provided the seal isn't broken, a can of food is simply a can of food.
6 months?? dude, I remember that can being out there on the roof of the smoking deck this time last year. Its been out there for at least 12 months.
Picture 4th from bottom:
Are you referring to the bowl or the ashtry?
Yes and yes.
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