Monday, June 26, 2006

Daily Diner!

Here Ya Go:I have no sweet clue what this is... but it certainly looks better that the heaping helping of Ramen Noodles ( typically called Mr. Noodles, but not when you buy the no name brand variant )
Goddamn noodles... I swear... I am gonna find the company that invented that "Oriental" flavor and burn them to the ground. I mean, what is an oriental flavor? Chicken is meant to taste like chicken, the same goes for beef and pork. So what the hell is oriental flavor? A flavor made from orients? C'mon now people. I am sick of it... all it is is salt and MSG. Goddamn!
Well, I'm off to another meaningless meal of goddamn noodles. Piss it all to hell.


Fiend said...

Mr Noodles are ok.... BUT, if you want taste value with LOW cost, you'd be looking for tomato soup and food bank crackers.

25 cents for the soup and free crackers!

Unknown said...

Just steal the good crackers from restaurants... when you go in to use the bathroom. Single serving... grab a few things of jam and pb too... great fun. Makes a meal, and it's free

Fiend said...

Salt shakers, ashtrays, cutlery...hell, if you can get into the kitchen, FREE TAOSTERS!!!

Fiend said...


Unknown said...

Oh yeah. On a side note, I went shopping today. I am no longer limited to Oriental flavor. :D

Fiend said...

It would appear Mr. Noodle is also a vegetarian as well, eh?